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M?t s? l?nh co b?n trong Command Prompt

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Topic: M?t s? l?nh co b?n trong Command Prompt
Posted By: administrator
Subject: M?t s? l?nh co b?n trong Command Prompt
Date Posted: 28 September 2011 at 15:08
M?t s? l?nh co b?n trong Command Prompt
1. assoc : th? hi?n hay ch?nh s?a ph?n m? r?ng c?a file
v�d?: assoc .php --> s? th? hi?n ph?n du�i m? r?ng c?a file php l� .php=phpfile n?u b?n mu?n ch? s?a th� c� ph�p nhu sau: assoc [.ext[=[filetype]]]
v�d?: assoc .php=HackerShinichi ---> k?t qu? : .php=HackerShinichi
2. at : cho bi?t nh?ng chuong tr�nh n�o du?c h?n ch?y trong computer
3. attrib : th? hi?n hay l�m thay d?i thu?c t�nh c?a file
v�d? : attrib +H D:\HackerShinichi\HackerShinichi.htm /s ---> s? l�m cho file HackerShinichi.htm chuy?n sang ch? d� hidden, attrib -H D:\HackerShinichi\HackerShinichi.htm /s s? l�m ph?c h?i tr?ng th�i c?a file ban HackerShinichi.htm
C�c b?n c� th? thay +H b?ng +R(read-only file attribute), +A(archive file attribute), +S(system file attribute), mu?n ph?c h?i l?i th� thay d?u + th�nh d?u -
4. cd : thay d?i thu m?c
v�d? : n?u b?n dang ? ? dia D: th� command prompt nhu sau: D:>\ n?u b?n mu?n chuy?n d?n thu m?c php trong ? C th� l�m nhu sau : cd /d C:\php --> s? chuy?n b?n d?n thu m?c php trong ? C, n?u b?n d�nh ti?p l?nh cd.. th� s? chuy?n b?n l�n ? dia C, l?nh cd.. s? chuy?n l�n thu m?c cha. L?nh : cd filename s? chuy?n b?n d?n thu m?c filename trong c�ng ? dia
5. chcp : cho bi?t active code page
6. chdir : tuong t? l?nh Cd
7. chkdsk : check ? dia
8. cmd : m? m?t command prompt m?i ( c� th? d�nh l?nh n�y trong start ---> run)
9. comp : so s�nh n?i dung c?a 2 file
10. convert : chuy?n ? dia t? d?ng FAT ---> NTFS
11. copy : copy 1 ho?c nhi?u file t? noi kh�c
v�d? copy D:\php D:\HackerShinichi s? copy nh?ng file trong thu m?c php sang thu m?c HackerShinichi
12. Date : th? hi?n v� c�i d?t l?i ng�y th�ng nam
13. del : delete 1 hay nhi?u file
vid? del D:\Shinichi --->s? delete nh?ng file n?m trong thu m?c Shinichi
14. dir : th? hi?n danh s�ch c�c file v� thu m?c
v�d? : dir D:\ /A:D --> s? th? hi?n t?t c? c�c thu m?c trong ? D k? c? thu m?c hide c� th? thay D b?ng H(hidden file), S(system file), R(read-only file)...
15. diskcopy : copy n?i dung c?a ? floppy disk d?n noi kh�c
16. erase : tuong t? nhu l?nh del
17. exit : tho�t kh?i command prompt
18. fc : so s�nh 2 file , th? hi?n s? kh�c sau c?a ch�ng
19. find : t�m k��m m?t text trong 1 file
20. format : format ? dia
21. label : t?o, thay d?i, delete volume ? dia
22. md : t?o thu m?c m?i
v�d? md HackerShinichi --> t?o thu m?c HackerShinichi
23. mkdir : tuong t? l?nh md
24. move : di chuy?n file d?n thu m?c kh�c
v�d? move D:\Shinichi D:\php s? di chuy?n thu m?c Shinichi v�o thu m?c php
25. print : in ra m?t text file
26. rd : di chu?�n thu m?c (delete)
27. rmdir : tuong t? l?nh rd
v�d? rmdir /s D:\HackerShinichi ---> di chuy?n thu m?c HackeShinichi kh?i ? D (delete, kh�ng luu tr? trong Recycle Bin )
28. ren : thay d?i t�n thu m?c
29. rename : tuong t? l?nh ren
v�d?: rename D:\Shinichi Hacker ---> s? thay d?i t�n thu m?c Shinichi th�nh Hacker
30. replace : replace file
31. time : cho bi?t th?i gian h? th?ng ( k? c? miligi�y)
32. tree : cho b?n bi?t th�ng tin v? c�c file trong m�t thu m?c du?i d?ng tree
v�d? : tree C:\php /f ---> s? th? hi?n t�n c?a c�c file trong thu m?c php ? ? dia C du?i d?ng tree
33. vol : tuong t? l?nh label
34. xcopy : copies file and directory tree
35. ver: cho bi?t h? di?u h�nh v� phi�n b?n c?a n�
36. n?u b?n mu?n chuy?n sang ? dia kh�c th� d�ng l?nh sau [drive:]
v�d? b?n mu?n chuy?n sang ? dia D th� d�nh D:, n?u chuy?n l?i ? dia C th� d�nh v�o l?nh C:
37. netstat : displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections
netstat -a : displays all connections and listening ports
netstat -n : displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form
tr�n l� m?t s? l?nh co b?n trong command prompt, c�n m?t s? l?nh ftp, ***c�c l?nh ftp : tru?c ti�n b?n d�nh v�o ftp // k?t n?i d?n m�y ch? c� d?a ch? l�
Connected to
User ( // b?n d�nh v�o user c?a b?n t?i d�y
331 User name okay, need oven.
oven: // d�nh v�o oven t?i d�y
230 User logged in, proceed
c�n d�y l� c�c l?nh sau khi k?t n?i ftp th�nh c�ng

ascii chuy?n sang ch? d? truy?n file theo d?ng van b?n
binary chuy?n sang ch? d? truy?n file theo d?ng nh? ph�n
cd [directory] chuy?n v�o thu m?c directory
cdup chuy?n l�n thu m?c c?p tr�n m?t c?p
close ng?t k?t n?i v?i m�y ch?
del [remote-file] x�a 1 file tr�n m�y ch?
dir [remote-directory|file] li?t k� n?i dung c?a thu m?c ho?c danh s�ch c�c file tr�n m�y ch?
help [command] cho bi?t hu?ng d?n v? l?nh command
lcd [local-directory] d?t l?i thu m?c l�m vi?c tr�n client l� local-directory
ls [remote-directory|file] [-la] li?t k� n?i dung c?a thu m?c ho?c danh s�ch c�c file tr�n m�y ch?; tham s? -la s? li?t k� t?t c? c� k�m theo m� t? v? quy?n
mdelete [remote-files] x�a nhi?u file tr�n m�y ch?
mget [remote-files] download c�c files tr�n m�y ch? v?
mkdir t?o thu m?c c� t�n directory-name
mput [local-files] upload c�c files l�n m�y ch?
open host [port] k?t n?i d?n m�y ch? FTP c� hostname l� host v� dang ch?y d?ch v? FTP ? c?ng port
put [remote-file] upload local-file l�n m�y ch? v?i t�n m?i l� remote-file n?u du?c
pwd cho bi?t thu m?c dang l�m vi?c hi?n th?i
quit tho�t
recv [local-file] nh?n remote-file tr�n m�y ch? v� luu tr�n m�y t�nh v?i t�n local-file n?u du?c
rename [from] [to] d?i t�n file ho?c thu m?c from th�nh to
rmdir directory-name x�a thu m?c c� t�n directory-name
send local-file [remote-file] g?i local-file t? m�y t�nh l�n m�y ch? v?i t�n m?i l� remote-file n?u du?c
status cho bi?t tr?ng th�i c?a phi�n l�m vi?c hi?n t?i
syst cho bi?t h? di?u h�nh c?a m�y ch?
user user-name [oven] [account] login v�o v?i t�n l� user-name, m?t kh?u l� oven, t�i kho?n l� account

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